Career Development
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Meet with a professional Career Development Counselor - Dr. Sherryl Devine, Ph.D. - and explore your career options, opportunities, and plans for getting there: training programs, junior college or college, financial considerations, degrees, certifications, licenses. Dr. Devine has worked on 6 different jr. college, college and university campuses helping students evaluate and plan their school and work futures.
There is a special $30.00 sale price for those who joined the CNA Association during April and May 2019.
The Career Development Counseling is available to non-members as well, but for the price of $65.00. Call for details.
There is a special $30.00 sale price for those who joined the CNA Association during April and May 2019.
The Career Development Counseling is available to non-members as well, but for the price of $65.00. Call for details.